The todolist
The todolist

Though everyone is loyal to “their” method when they first start out, I soon begin to hear tales of woe about what they forgot to do because their system went kablooey. Since time management has been my area of expertise, I’ve consulted with dozens of people over the years on how to manage theirs.Ĭredit: Dustin Lee (Unsplash) The To-Do List Went Kablooey

  • The tiny soldier where the lists line up in tidy rows.Īnd the list goes on.
  • The little note booker – So many little journals, that were all well-intended but started and stopped 15 too many times.
  • The touch screener- It’s all right here on their phone and they are lost without it.
  • The mnemonist who brags that she has it all in her head.
  • The multi-lister who has lists of her lists (that on occasion pop-out of last year’s coat pocket).
  • The scribbler who will grab anything in sight to scribble a note, message or phone number on (I’ve even seen notes on matchbooks and cereal boxes.).
  • the todolist the todolist

    How you do it says something about how you like to store and retrieve information. When it comes to list-making, I’ve seen it all. So, what’s the worst that could happen when some to-dos become to-don’ts because they didn’t make it to the list? Oh, that depends. Lists hanging on the refrigerator, left on surfaces, thrown in bags, stuffed in wallets, taped to bathroom mirrors and front doors only to keep our chaos intact. I’ve seen lists that were way too illegible. Mine has! I’ve seen lists redone and re-done to perfection. I’ve seen to-do lists lost in the dark wash, crumbled to a ball and tossed into the nearest garbage can. I admit I’ve gone for stretches of time trying to improve my senior moments by signaling my brain waves to recall everything I need to do. With the best of intentions, it helps you to remember all the dribs and drabs of your responsibilities that suddenly multiply as you’re committing it to paper.

    the todolist the todolist

    Everyone has a relationship with their to-do lists.

    The todolist